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9 Best and Cheap Christmas Gifts For Moms That Are FREE!

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A few weeks back, I decided to ask on my personal Facebook page what are the cheap Christmas gifts for moms.

I was expecting my honest and funny family and friends, to be frank, and hilarious as always.

But something else happened.

Their answers surprised me a bit as it seems all moms want the same thing and the answers might surprise you.

One would think that a gift certificate to the spa, gift cards, and such, would be on this list, but it's not.

Moms don't want millions of dollars, expensive car, or dream house.

As I read the comments, I felt a pattern going on, and since I’m all about helping others, I wanted to write about the Best Christmas Gifts For Moms according to my family and friends on Facebook expressed they wanted.

Please keep in mind that hours of research and scientific data were collected for this post. 😉 This is a fun post and meant to be funny, and I want you to join in the fun.

This list below are some of the responses that I received from via Facebook, and quite honestly, it screams fun moms.

What I love about these gifts is that they are affordable; some of them are even FREE. So get ready to win her over with these best Christmas gifts for mom.

This 2018 holiday season get the best  cheap Christmas gifts for moms that won't cost you a dime but will mean the world to her.Cheap Christmas Gifts For Moms 

Peace and quiet for one day  

Some moms just want peace and quiet for one day and not calling mom for anything. Just a one day dedicated to silence.

Not do anything for one day

Some just want to relax and do nothing for one day. They don’t want to take you here and there. Moms don’t want to worry about appointments and phone calls and work. We just want one day dedicated to doing NADA!

Leave me alone for one day

A few mentioned that they just want to be let alone for one day! ONE DAY ALONE! And honestly, this around the holidays sounds like a winner to me.

Check out these Christmas posts:

Do the dishes

This mama wants her dishes done for a week. She is sick and tired of dishes and doesn’t want to deal with them for a week, maybe more!

Sleep for a day

I sure love this one. A few moms just want a whole night of sleep, 12 if possible. I have three little boys, and this will be perfect for me. PERFECT!

Put your clothes in the hamper!

Simply putting your dirty clothing in the basket for a week will be celebrated according to one mom in comments. That is all she wants, and she even called this a Christmas miracle!

Not do laundry for a week

I'm with you on that, and I don’t think of any mom who wouldn’t want this as a gift for Christmas!

Breastfeeding break

This one made me laugh so hard, but I've so been there and can relate.

A bottle of wine

This gift might not be free, but it's well deserved. One mama just wanted a nice bottle of wine to enjoy for surviving another year.

There you have the best Christmas gifts for moms according to Facebook.

Some of my friends responded with gift cards and spa treatments, but the majority really wanted some free time alone.

To make it simple for you to give this fabulous best gifts for mom this Christmas, I found a few sites where you can make your own personalized gift certificate for free.

Simply fill out the form, print, and give them out Christmas day. How freaking cool is that?!

Free Christmas Gift Certificate Sites

The list is endless of where you can find free personalized gift certificates. I'm going to caution you that if you are choosing to give these as Christmas gifts, you so better honor it!

Not only did you create a certificate for it, but it's also in writing, and moms don't forget.

Check out these posts:

Also, make sure that they are not duplicated because moms can trick you and create copies of these certificates. So make sure your rules are printed, and the prints are clear to read.

So there you have my cheap Christmas gifts for moms for 2018.

What are your best cheap Christmas gifts for moms you have given?

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  1. I totally agree with the wishes here 🙂 I’m a mum of a toddler and would wish for a weekend alone. Please dad, take the boy with you, visit the grandparents and let me have some undisturbed alone time, a lot of sleep, a good read, time to sew, time to just sit on the couch and watch nonsense on tv. And go out with friends at night! Oh, that would be awsome! 🙂

  2. I love these ideas! I already picked up a gift for my mom, but I think I’ll be adding a bottle of wine in the gift bag 🙂

  3. OMG! I just love this post. I want all gifts except last two… I am not a wine person and I do not breastfeed anymore. But otherwise, please Santa bring me any from this list… please!

  4. Great ideas! I’m staying with my mother in law for the holidays and I think she’d like some help around the house!

  5. This is a perfect list!!! Absolutely love this and could totally go for a bottle of wine 🙂

  6. The full nights sleep.. yes pleaseeee!! Everytime my husband tries to give me one of these days my son ends up sleeping in!! Not fair! haha.

    1. Yes!! Same thing happens to me all the time. I also love the “SSSSHHH mommy needs to sleep,” when he tries to get the boys from the bedroom. LOL

  7. What a great list!! Moms I feel are often over looked with what they really want for Christmas

  8. My mom will love a full day at a salon without much though of anything. Thanks for the ideas and the Free Gift Certificate templates

  9. A great read! (And I’ll be sure to send this to my hubby :P) Thanks!

  10. hilarious! I’m not a mom, but I’m sure my mom would love these hahah

    I’m holding a massive giveaway event on my blog where you can win tons of beauty prizes – stop by and sign up if you like! http://StorybookApothecary.com ♥

  11. The free breastfeeding day is funny! But then you’d have to pump it all out beforehand right? A day to go shopping on my own would be nice.

    1. For me would be sleep, quiet for one day, well the list can go on. LOL Thank you for commenting Nicci.

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  15. one year, my daughter made me a calendar. Each month had a picture that she made with her children’s hands or feet. I know that it took her some time, but she had construction paper, paint and two small children. Each month, I had a new picture to look at.

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