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What Can Be Made From Overripe Plantain?

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If you've ever found yourself staring at a bunch of overripe plantains and wondered, “What Can Be Made From Overripe Plantain?” In the world of fruits, a silent hero often sits overlooked, quietly waiting for its moment in the culinary spotlight – the overripe plantain.

We've all been there, right? A bunch of plantains bought with the best intentions, only to watch them transform from vibrant yellow to speckled brown. But here's the secret: these seemingly forgotten fruits are culinary treasures waiting to be unearthed. 

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What Can I Make With Overripe Plantains?

Overripe plantains are culinary treasures, especially in the realm of sweetness. They can be transformed into tender, caramel-like Plantain Bread, delightful Plantain Pancakes with a natural sweetness, and crowd-pleasing crispy Plantain Fritters.

Overripe plantains bring a delightful sweetness to savory dishes, adding a rich, caramelized dimension. They offer a unique twist to Puerto Rican Mofongo and elevate Plantain Lasagna to a new comfort food level. Additionally, thinly sliced overripe plantains can be crisped into addictive Plantain Chips, a departure from the usual green plantain base. 

This culinary adventure with overripe plantains promises to revolutionize your kitchen, offering a wide array of decadent desserts and savory creations that will leave your taste buds craving more.


What is ripe plantain good for?

Ripe plantains, identified by their yellow to blackened skin, offer a sweeter taste compared to green ones. They are easily digestible, making them suitable for those with sensitive digestive systems. Rich in nutrients like dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A, they support digestive health and overall well-being. Ripe plantains are a natural energy source that is beneficial for athletes.

Their versatility in cooking allows for various preparations, including desserts, chips, and savory dishes. Additionally, they hold cultural significance in many cuisines worldwide. Overall, ripe plantains are a nutritious and adaptable addition to any balanced diet.

With their yellow to blackened skin, ripe plantains offer different culinary possibilities compared to their green, unripe counterparts. Here are several ways in which ripe plantains can be utilized:

Natural Sweetness

As plantains ripen, their starches convert into natural sugars, resulting in a sweeter taste. This makes them an excellent ingredient for desserts and sweet dishes.


Ripe plantains are generally easier to digest compared to green ones. The natural sugars and softer texture contribute to this quality, making them a suitable option for individuals with sensitive digestive systems.

Nutrient Density

Ripe plantains are a good source of essential nutrients. They provide significant amounts of dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. These nutrients contribute to digestive health, immune function, and overall well-being.

Energy Source

The increased sugar content in ripe plantains makes them an excellent source of natural, quick-release energy. This can be particularly beneficial for athletes or individuals needing an energy boost.

Versatility in Cooking

Ripe plantains can be used in a wide range of culinary applications. They can be baked, boiled, fried, mashed, or incorporated into various recipes.

Desserts and Baked Goods

Ripe plantains are commonly used in baking. They can be mashed and added to recipes for cakes, bread, muffins, and cookies to enhance flavor and moistness.

Plantain Chips

When thinly sliced and baked or fried, ripe plantains can be transformed into delicious, sweet and crispy chips, offering a healthy alternative to traditional snacks.

Mashed Plantains

Mashed ripe plantains, known as “mangu” in some Caribbean countries, can be prepared with butter, cream, or milk. This creamy side dish is a popular accompaniment to many main courses.

Soups and Stews

Ripe plantains can be used to thicken and add flavor to soups and stews, particularly in Latin American and African cuisines. They impart a sweet and rich element to the dish.

Smoothies and Juices

Ripe plantains can be blended into smoothies or juices to add natural sweetness and creaminess. They pair well with fruits like mango, pineapple, and berries.

Baby Food

Due to their softer texture and natural sweetness, ripe plantains can be mashed or pureed for infants transitioning to solid foods.

Cultural Significance

In many cultures, ripe plantains hold cultural significance and are featured prominently in traditional dishes. They serve as a staple ingredient in various cuisines across the world.

In summary, ripe plantains are a versatile and nutritious ingredient that can be used in a wide array of dishes, both sweet and savory. Their natural sweetness, digestibility, and nutrient density make them a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

an image of overripe plantain

Is ripe or unripe plantain more nutritious?

Unripe plantains, with their green skin, are abundant in resistant starch, regulating blood sugar and promoting fullness. They're low in sugar, high in complex carbs, vitamin C, and magnesium. While ripe plantains, yellow to black, offer easy digestion, providing fiber, potassium, vitamins A and C.

They're versatile, lending natural sweetness to dishes and offering quick energy. Choosing between them depends on dietary needs, with unripe for blood sugar control, and ripe for energy and diverse culinary uses. Both offer unique nutritional benefits in a balanced diet.

Both ripe and unripe plantains offer distinct nutritional benefits, and the choice between the two depends on individual dietary needs and preferences.

Unripe Plantains

Rich in Resistant Starch

Unripe plantains are an excellent source of resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that acts like fiber in the digestive system. It helps regulate blood sugar levels, improve gut health, and promote a feeling of fullness.

Lower in Sugar

Green or unripe plantains have lower sugar content compared to ripe ones, which can be beneficial for individuals looking to manage their blood sugar levels or reduce overall sugar intake.

Higher in Complex Carbohydrates

They provide a good source of complex carbohydrates, offering sustained energy release and aiding in satiety.

Higher in Vitamins and Minerals

Unripe plantains are richer in certain nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B6, and magnesium. These nutrients are important for immune function, brain health, and overall cellular function.

Ripe Plantains

Higher in Natural Sugars

As plantains ripen, their starches convert into natural sugars, resulting in a sweeter taste. This can provide a quick source of energy.

Easier to Digest

Ripe plantains are generally easier on the digestive system compared to unripe ones. The natural sugars and softer texture enhance digestibility, making them suitable for individuals with sensitive digestive systems.

Rich in Nutrients

They are a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. These nutrients contribute to digestive health, immune function, and overall well-being.

Versatility in Culinary Applications

Ripe plantains can be used in a wide range of culinary applications, including desserts, baked goods, and various sweet dishes.

Ultimately, the choice between ripe and unripe plantains depends on dietary goals and individual health considerations. For example, unripe plantains may be preferred by individuals seeking to manage blood sugar levels or increase fiber intake.

On the other hand, ripe plantains can be a valuable source of natural sugars and quick energy, making them a suitable choice for athletes or those needing an energy boost. A balanced diet may incorporate both, taking advantage of the unique nutritional profiles each offers.

What can be made from overripe plantain?

Overripe plantains, with their caramelized sweetness, offer a versatile canvas for culinary creativity. They can be transformed into sweet treats like Plantain Bread and Pancakes or savory delights like Mofongo and Plantain Lasagna.

For a crispy snack, try Plantain Chips. Their rich flavor makes them a delightful addition to various dishes, showcasing the wide range of possibilities with overripe plantains in both sweet and savory cooking.

Overripe plantains are incredibly versatile and can be used to create a variety of delicious dishes. Here are some ideas:

Plantain Bread

Plantain Bread is a delightful twist on traditional banana bread, featuring overripe plantains for a rich, caramel-like sweetness. Mashed into the batter, these golden treasures infuse the loaf with a unique depth of flavor.

Whether enjoyed for breakfast or as a sweet snack, Plantain Bread offers a moist, tender crumb that's complemented by hints of natural sweetness. It's a delicious way to make use of overripe plantains and elevate your baking repertoire.

Plantain Pancakes

Plantain Pancakes offer a delightful twist on the classic breakfast favorite. Mashed overripe plantains are incorporated into the batter, imparting a natural sweetness and toped with honey caramelised walnuts. The result is a stack of fluffy, golden pancakes that taste both satisfying and unique.

Perfectly versatile, these pancakes can be enjoyed with a variety of toppings, from fresh fruits to a drizzle of honey. They're a delightful way to embrace the versatility of overripe plantains in your morning routine.

Plantain Fritters

Plantain Fritters are bite-sized morsels of pure indulgence. Made by mashing overripe plantains and combining them with a few simple ingredients, these fritters are then fried to golden perfection. The result is a crispy exterior that gives way to a creamy, sweet interior.

Whether served as an appetizer or a side dish, these fritters are a crowd-pleaser, offering a delightful way to savor the natural sweetness of overripe plantains in a delectable and satisfying form.


Mofongo is a beloved Puerto Rican dish that undergoes a sweet transformation with the use of overripe plantains. Traditionally made with green plantains, this version features ripe ones for a sweeter, more nuanced flavor.

The plantains are fried and mashed with garlic, creating a flavorful mash-up. Often served with a protein like shrimp, chicken, or pork, Mofongo showcases the versatility of overripe plantains, offering a delicious twist on this classic Caribbean favorite.

Plantain Lasagna

Plantain Lasagna is a creative take on the classic Italian dish. Instead of traditional pasta sheets, this recipe uses sweet, caramelized slices of overripe plantains as the layers. These plantains add a unique depth of flavor and a natural sweetness that beautifully complements the savory elements of the dish.

With layers of rich tomato sauce, cheese, and plantains, this lasagna offers a comforting and delicious twist on a beloved favorite, showcasing the versatility of overripe plantains in the kitchen.

Plantain Chips

Plantain Chips are a delightful snack made from thinly sliced overripe plantains. These slices are then either baked or fried to crispy perfection. Unlike their green counterparts, overripe plantains lend a natural sweetness to the chips, creating a unique flavor profile.

These chips are a healthier alternative to traditional potato chips, offering a satisfying crunch with a hint of sweetness. They make for a tasty and nutritious snack option for those seeking a flavorful bite.

Plantain Mash

Plantain Mash is a creamy and flavorful side dish that offers a delightful alternative to traditional mashed potatoes. Made by mashing overripe plantains, this dish boasts a natural sweetness and rich texture. Butter, cream, or milk is often added to enhance the creamy consistency.

Whether served alongside roasted meats or enjoyed on its own, Plantain Mash provides a comforting and delicious addition to any meal, showcasing the versatility of overripe plantains in culinary creations.

Plantain Soup

Plantain Soup is a velvety and comforting dish, showcasing the versatility of overripe plantains. Blended with aromatic herbs and a rich broth, the overripe plantains create a creamy base that's both hearty and delicious.

This soup is a perfect choice for chilly evenings, offering a warm and soothing experience for the taste buds. The natural sweetness of the plantains adds a unique twist to this classic comfort food, making it a delightful addition to any soup repertoire.

Plantain Smoothie

A Plantain Smoothie is a creamy and naturally sweet beverage that showcases the versatility of overripe plantains. Blended with fruits like mango, pineapple, or berries, along with yogurt or a liquid of your choice, it offers a delightful and nutritious way to start your day.

The natural sweetness of the plantains adds a unique twist to the smoothie, providing a burst of flavor and energy. It's a refreshing and satisfying option for a wholesome breakfast or snack.

Plantain Ice Cream

Plantain Ice Cream offers a delightful twist on the classic frozen treat. Ripe plantains are blended and frozen to create a creamy, dairy-free alternative. The natural sweetness of the plantains shines through, providing a unique and flavorful base.

Additional ingredients like coconut milk or nut butter can be incorporated for added richness. This homemade ice cream is not only delicious but also a healthier option, making it a perfect guilt-free indulgence on a hot day.

Plantain Pudding

Plantain Pudding is a delectable dessert that celebrates the natural sweetness of overripe plantains. Cooked with milk, sugar, and aromatic spices, the mashed plantains create a creamy and flavorful base.

This pudding is a comforting treat, often served warm, offering a perfect blend of richness and natural sweetness. It's a delightful way to showcase the versatility of plantains in desserts, providing a unique and satisfying end to any meal.

Plantain Muffins

Plantain Muffins offer a delightful twist on the traditional baked good. Mashed overripe plantains are incorporated into the batter, adding a natural sweetness and moistness. The result is a batch of tender, flavorful muffins that are perfect for a quick breakfast or a satisfying snack.

Whether enjoyed plain or with additional add-ins like nuts or chocolate chips, these muffins showcase the versatility of overripe plantains in baking, providing a unique and delicious treat.

Plantain Tart

A Plantain Tart is a delectable dessert that showcases the versatility of overripe plantains. Mashed and used as a base, the plantains lend a unique sweetness and richness to the tart. Whether topped with fruits or nuts, this dessert offers a perfect blend of flavors and textures.

It's a delightful way to incorporate the natural sweetness of overripe plantains into a classic dessert, providing a unique and satisfying treat for any occasion.

Plantain Cookies

Plantain Cookies are a delightful twist on traditional cookie recipes. Mashed overripe plantains are incorporated into the dough, providing a natural sweetness and moist texture. Whether enjoyed with chocolate chips, nuts, or spices, these cookies offer a unique and flavorful treat.

They showcase the versatility of overripe plantains in baking, resulting in a batch of tender and delicious cookies that are perfect for a sweet snack or dessert.

Sweet Plantain Bread Pudding

Sweet Plantain Bread Pudding is a whole sweet treat in itself. Combine whole milk, condensed milk, eggs, vanilla extract, and cinnamon resulting in a smooth mixture. Add the white bread until it's completely immersed into the mixture. With the natural sweetness of the plantains and the caramelized topping you end up with a bread pudding that is out of this world.

These are just a few examples, but the possibilities with overripe plantains are truly endless. Their natural sweetness and creamy texture make them a versatile ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes.

recipe ideas that can be made from overripe plantain
Amarillos - Sweet Fried Plantains

Amarillos - Sweet Fried Plantains

Yield: 4 Servings
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes

Call it amarillos or fried sweet plantain. It’s a favorite for being one of the best side dishes or have it as it is as a snack or dessert.


  • 2 Ripe plantains
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • Salt to taste


  1. Peel the plantains. Place on a cutting board and with a sharp knife slice the plantain diagonally. Slices should be around 1/2 inch thick.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil in a pan over medium heat. Once the oil is hot add the plantains and cook for 2 minutes per side or until golden brown and slightly caramelized. 
  3. Remove from the pan and transfer to a paper towel-lined dish. 
  4. Sprinkle with salt and serve. 
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 4 Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 298Total Fat: 18gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 16gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 151mgCarbohydrates: 37gFiber: 3gSugar: 17gProtein: 1g

These nutritional calculations might not be accurate. Please speak with a licensed nutritionist to assist you.

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