4 Surprising Reasons Every Mom Needs A To-Do List Today!
This post may contain affiliate links which might earn us money. Please read my Disclosure and Privacy policies hereLife without a daily to-do list for moms equal a not so good day. I’m sure you can relate.
You wake up in the morning with a million things to do; you start your day trying to play catch up and forgetting what needed to be done.

You are feeling overwhelmed, and you feel like you accomplished nothing because you forgot to do the most important things.
Let’s face it; some days we have way too many things to do and not enough time, or we live life on the run that trying to catch up with what needs to be done is one overwhelming mess.
Being a mom is hard work, we know this! We have so much in our plate, and we feel like we are in an endless cycle that doesn’t seem to end when it comes to getting things done on a daily basis.
House cleaning, appointments, work, you name it! We have a busy life, and like many moms, we need to find a balance.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
When you are feeling overwhelmed and trying to keep our heads above water remember that there is a solution to this issue.

What you needed was a simple to-do list to help you out.
Yes, we all need a to-do list.
This might surprise you, but until recent years I never so much bother with a to-do list. I simply went with the flow and quite honestly, I felt stressed, overwhelmed and feeling like I wasn’t accomplished anything through my day.
If you are not sure what exactly is a to-do list, let me give you a quick definition of what it is.
What are the benefits of using a to-do list?
A to-do list is a list of things/task that needs to be accomplished. An example is a daily to-do list where you write down tasks that need to be completed that day.
Why Moms Need A To-Do List Today
The benefits of using to-do list are a lot, but my top favorite reasons why you need one are the following:
Creating a to-do list every day is a great motivational tool. My suggestion is to create your daily routine the night before (before bedtime) so you can start your morning fresh and ready to start your tasks.
Before we go any further let’s talk about how to create a daily to-do list shall we?
Again, I prefer to create a daily task list before bed time because when I start my day, I’m on the go. During the before kids are in bed, and I can concentrate on what needs to be done the next morning.
Creating a to-do list:
Write it down
Take a few minutes and write down all the tasks you need to get completed the next day.
After you write all the task look at your list to make sure you have written down all the tasks you want to get done the next day. If you see a big project that needs to be done, break those into smaller tasks.
Start organizing your to-do list with working on the most important tasks on your list.
By doing these three steps, you will get more things done throughout the day.
Now back to the benefits of using a to-do list!
We read how motivational a to-do list and how simple it is to create one but here’s another one:

A to-do list will increase your daily productivity and here’s why. When you write down your tasks for the day, you will continue to review your list and prioritize it (remember those?) as you do this you will continue to finish tasks.
As you finish each task, you will notice that you are getting the things that are most important done instead of wasting time on things that are not. Which I don’t know about you, can lead to disaster.
I can seriously lose track of time if I do tasks that are not important and without a to-do list.
Also, if I do the tasks, I enjoy that is not a priority I will find excuses for not finishing the hardest most disliked tasks.
So, by creating a daily task list and reviewing and prioritizing, I can follow it and get more things done during the day.
That simple, right?
A to-do list will help you keep organized, and this is a fact.
Once you start doing the task and crossing them out not just one day but every day you will learn to create a list and a routine that works for you.
Yes, sometimes to find a great to-do list you should do it in different ways, but more about that later.
Once you have a to-do list or daily one for that matter you will be able to keep your day organized.
You will improve your time management too and will give you time to enjoy your day without feeling like you can’t accomplish anything or that you wasted your time.

Ever had those days where you seem to forget everything? I know I have and to be honest I completely hate it.
It sets the pace for my day when I can’t remember what I need to do or I forgot to do something.
A daily to-do list is a great way to help you with your memory and the reason why is because since you wrote what you needed to get done the night before.
When you need a reminder look at your to-do list!
Got distracted and can’t remember? Look at your task list or to-do list app to get a reminder and get back on track.
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Creating a to-do list that works
Earlier I mentioned that sometimes we have to create a different to-do list to get it right.
You see, just like a budget, a to-do list must work for you. For example:
I love to keep my to-do list simple while others like to keep their daily to-do list full and very detailed because it works for them.
My to-do list varies meaning sometimes I prefer using good old paper but the majority time I use daily to-do apps to help me keep track of my list.
There are many daily to-do templates out there too and daily to-do apps that very help you and work great.
But if you enjoy a simple to-do list that’s ok! The point is that you should find what works for you and is going to help you get your list done, right?
Heck, a simple to-do notebook will help too. Oh, did I mention there are also cute to-do list planners?
Who needs a to-do list?
I mean you can even create a to-do list or daily tasks or even a weekly to-do list for your kids!
Anyone can benefit from using a to-do list, my friends. ANYONE!
Can you use a to-do list for other things?
You can create a to-do list for just about anything. I have a finance to-do list too to help me keep the focus on my spending and personal finances.
A to-do list can bring so much joy to your daily life and let me tell you why. It will bring you order to your life by removing interruption and distractions away and letting you focus on your tasks.
It will give you a daily boost of morale by giving you a sense of accomplishment and change your perspective about you and how you do things. Isn’t that crazy?!

So, let’s be honest here mamas, and admit that a daily to-do list is not so bad after all. I mean look at all the benefit it brings!
Your turn: Let’s talk about your to-do list and what tips do you have that will help us!
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