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4 Tips To Start Your Healthy Habits Today & On a Budget

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Intentional Bites Planner was given to me free to review. All opinions expressed here are my own.

Late last year when I was creating my 2019 goals I decided to do something I haven't done. I decided to make sure my top goals were all about me! I know what you are thinking and believe me I get it.

But you see these goals were all about creating healthy habits that I needed to focus. As a mom and wife, I tend to put others first. I love creating goals, seriously, I do! I make financial goals, daily goals, weekly goals.

Yet, when it comes to personal goals that are all about me, it wasn't a priority, but it became a priority and last year reality struck me. I turned 40 and the sad truth was that I wasn't happy with myself. With how I felt and other things.

Honestly, it was no one faults but my own and the only person that could make me happy was ME!

My issue has been that in my mind in order to be a “great” mom I need to make my family priority, and you know what that's not the case. In my culture family first mentality sometimes is not accurate and to be honest, I felt that if I shifted focus on me, it would be selfish on my part.

The truth is that I was wrong and taking care of me and even putting myself first was not a selfish act at all.

I need to take care of me, to become a better person, mom, wife and all. Who's going to take better care of me if not me?

So this year it has been the year where I have challenged myself to face my fears and make healthy habits to better me and make me a better person, wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.

Let me just tell you that 2018 has been a scary and fun and full of first-times and I love it!

I feel great, and I love it.

Now that you all know why I decided to make 2018 the year of me let's get into what was one of my biggest challenges, establishing healthy habits.

Changing to healthy habits is not just about habits but about changing lifestyles.

How can we reach and maintain this new healthy habit lifestyle? I know how I am, and I tend to get bored and find excuses and move on, but if I was able to change the way we view money and my finances, then I know I can do this too.

Before you think that healthy habits such food are costly let me tell you that they are not. Healthy eating doesn't have to cost you a bunch and you will learn how you can enjoy great food and feel better below.

Let's begin.


Start achieving and saving on your healthy habits today with these four tips. Learn to use them today and by the end of the week you will achieve your weekly goals and your saving will grow.

4 Tips To Start Your Healthy Habits Today & On a Budget

Creating a goal

I am pretty sure that your goal consists of healthy living and healthy habits. Make sure you have this goal visible and look at it every day to remind you and keep you going.

My goal is to eat salads at least five times a week. I also want to lose 20lbs this year. I have created a Keto planner, and I'm using a food planner to help me keep track of my goals and so far this has been working.

More about the food planner next.

Create a weekly plan

Let’s create a plan even a plan of action for the week. Weekly goals will be better because it will give you a sense of urgency.

A weekly plan when it comes to starting healthy habits on a budget will keep you on track of things. The best part is looking back at your weekly plans at the end of the week and seeing that you have achieved your plans and are getting closer to your primary goal!

I stated that I use a food planner and Erin Chase created one just for individuals to use and start feeling better about themselves. Since I'm goal driven, this planner is working for me.

When it comes to creating goals, this is why planners such as The Intentional Bite Planner comes in handy.

Let me explain.

Now I mentioned about creating goals and the second part was creating a weekly plan, I wanted to talk about the planner right now because this planner has this and much more.

The Intentional Bite Planner is a food journal and the sole purpose of it is to help you find you. Meaning help you find what foods work for you and what food doesn't work for you. When I mention you, I mean your body.

What I have learned about my healthy habits is that eating way too many carbs affects my body more so than ever. Cutting down the carb intake has helped me a lot throughout my day.

I feel better and more energetic, I even felt brave enough to try the Ketogenic diet for two weeks. Using this journal to learn about how my body works on Keto has been good.


Being able to investigate and learn what food affects you is a great way to learn about you and your body. Another example is that garlic, as much as I love it, affects my body, so I have to keep my intake of garlic or avoid them at all cost.

By writing down what I ate and wrote down, I felt afterward it lead me to eliminate food from my diet that affected me negatively and added those who made me feel.

Writing down my daily food intake gave me an idea of what meals I needed to plan for and this planner had a section where I could write down my weekly meal plan and write down my shopping list.

The planner is helping me start my keto adventure and is giving me an idea of what keto friendly foods work for me.

Now if you are interested in this planner, I suggest you pre-order and get on the waiting list. You see when you pre-order you get some good stuff that are included and are free:

Pre-Order Bonus Pack Includes:

  • Habits & Routine Tracker ($5 value)
  • Weekly Habit Tracker ($5 value)
  • Daily Habit Tracker ($5 value)
  • Understanding Your Habits Worksheet ($5 value)
  • Access to Secret Facebook Support Group ($50 value)
  • Clean Eats Freezer Meal Plan ($10 value)
  • Digital Copy of Planner ($25 value)
  • Monthly Encouragement & Inspiration

Create a budget

Of course, a budget is necessary to keep track of your money. One thing I will say that starting healthy habits starts with eating a balanced meal.

Use money saving apps!

Remember when I mentioned above about saving money and that those savings can happen in the palm of your hand?

This is where my favorite app comes in handy and will help you start your New Year off right when you start with Ibotta.

Get the Ibotta App to get started and for more details.

So why Ibotta?

When you use Ibotta, you receive flexed up cash back from health and wellness partners. With partners like Thrive, Whole Foods, Amazon Grocery, Boxed.com and more you will be able to start saving today.

Check out these posts:


Start your healthy habit today and take advantage of these four tips. Remember always to check Ibotta to help you start the New Year right off with savings!

Now your turn: When it comes to starting your healthy habits this year what are your favorite money saving tips?


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