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February Online Income Report

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March is here and this means February online income report post is ready for you all to see. Learn how I made my February online income and get motivated.What happen to February? Why am I sitting here rushing to write this February online income report in a hurry because I didn’t realize the month was over?

What a month February was for me personally and business wise. I changed the way I am working and cutting back on Facebook time. I am super excited that Elite Blog Academy is starting and a few of my blogging friends are doing this.

If you missed Elite Blog Academy opening, I believe there will be open admission in the fall of this year. Just follow this blog or email me if you are interested, I will say that this is the one course that changed everything for me and the only course you need if you want to take your blog to the next level.

During the month of February, I got to work and help other bloggers for extra bucks and super excited about the changes coming for My Stay At Home Adventures.

With all that excitement comes more work, more stress, and a bit of more insecurities tend to hold me back a bit. What keeps me going is focusing and doing what works for me. One thing at a time and I get the job done.

In case you don’t know what our blog goals are for 2016, here are they:

A New Look!- I continue to work on behind the scene to make this happen and you should see this late spring/early summer.

Continue to grow my business – The minute I decided to turn this blog into a business, everything changed for me. I have to continue to focus and keep going at it. It's not an easy job, but I know I can do it.

Increase my page views to 250,000 – My pageviews are down, but I won’t let that bring me down since I am taking a different route. Last year my pageviews took a tumble around this time of the year. I also have to remember that my blog is not like others and should not be compared (more about that late).

Earn a monthly income of $2,000 a month – When I lost a chunk of our income, I was panicking; but I sure was so wrong about it. I think this goal is attainable and one way to also put it is that this year I would like to make $22,000 this year or more.

Help others – Giving back is an amazing feeling. As the year progresses, this is something that I am really enjoy doing. Seeing others succeed warms my heart.

Now that you know what My Stay At Home Adventures goals for this year are, lets check out how much this girl made and how bad her pageviews were!

February Online Income Report - March is here and this means February online income report post is ready for you all to see. Learn how I made my February online income and get motivated.February Online Income Report 

February Social Media Update

  • Pinterest  –5749        February –7277
  • Facebook – 6545        February – 7223
  • Twitter – 1632          February –1680

Page views – 76,183

I am going to say that somehow I am figuring out this social media thing, and I will say that if you are a blogger that is starting out, the best thing you can do is write killer content and get in a blogging tribe.

Having amazing and supporting blogging members that have similar goals as you, is what you need to move ahead. Can you do it alone? Yes, but it's going to be harder.

Pinterest loves me for some reason, and though it changed this month, the only thing I suggest is pin your killer pins and start utilizing your own boards instead of group boards. That being said, do not stop using group boards. Simply pin your popular pins into it.

As you can see with social media, the growth was superb but not my pageviews….. LOL

The traffic from Pinterest was steady, but not having my Christmas/Fall posts affected my pageviews.

Below is the income my blog generated by ads and affiliates, but I have not received in my accounts. My goal is to increase the ads and affiliate revenue this year!

Ad Network Income: $310.73

  • Adsense – $39.24
  • Media Net – $50.71
  • TBN –$220.78

Total February Site Income – $357.26

Since I started my blog, I always said that I wanted to increase my passive incomes, which are ads. Many people hate it and others are OK with ads, but the truth is they pay the bills and is something that I am not against.

In order to grow my ad network income, I have to increase my pageviews; that’s one thing I am focusing on. There is no magic solution to increasing your pageviews fast, but with hard work, that’s what I am focusing on.

Now this is the money I received in my accounts.

  • Escalate Network – $39.42
  • Media.net – $00.00
  • Adsense – $00.00
  • TBN –       $468.28
  • Sponsored post – $170.00
  • Izea – $250.33
  •  Clever Girl – $200.00
  • Linqia – $299.80
  • She Know – $15.00
  • Misc – $42.00

Total amount actually paid in February – $1484.83

February brought me enough money to once again surpass my previous real part-time job, so I am very happy with it. It's not $2,000 a month, but I will get there this year.

Total February Blog Expenses

Expenses were down this month, and you will notice that I stopped paying for MadMimi. The reason why is because I went and switched to MailChimp and it has been OK. I am trying to focus on my email subscribers, and this is not being as easy as I thought. More about that in a future post.

Add the additional monthly expenses:

  • BoardBooster – $25.00
  • Advertisement – $35.94
  • Canva – $10.00
  • P.O. Box Renewal -$00
  • Izea – $1.00
  • Giveaway – $35.00
  • MadMimi – $00.00
  • Writers – $50.00
  • Misc. – 35.00

Total Expenses – $194.94

There you have my online income report, and I decided not to put March goals into it since, honestly, the yearly goals just about sums them up.

How was your February? Did your online income report was up to your standards?


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  1. Congrats on your month! And! If you’re not a part of Social Fabric yet, (which I’m thinking you might not be since I don’t see it listed) you should join! It’s how I make almost 80% of my blogging income! 🙂

    1. Thank you Nichole! Unfortunately, Social Fabric is not for us. Social Fabric has some requirements that doesn’t work for My Stay At Home Adventures. Sometime is not about the money, but about what is best for our business.

      1. I totally understand! I don’t do any ad networks or participate in some of the networks that you do for the same reason! Best in reaching your goals!

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