Search Results for: frugal living

Woman putting money in her big pink piggy bank.
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6 Incredible Monthly Money Savings Challenges

There are many money challenges out there, and I must admit that I genuinely enjoy adding some spark to my finances and some money challenges into the mix. Finding the best 2023 monthly money challenges this year can be intimidating, especially if you are a beginner. For ideas, you will be able to find many money…

6 Financial Terms Everyone Should Know

6 Financial Terms Everyone Should Know

Just in case, my friends, let’s learn 6 financial terms we should know and their meaning behind them. Educators talk about “accountability” and “accreditation.” Human relations experts invoke “career path” and “casual dress.” Insurance companies discuss “indemnity” and “cash value.” Every industry has its own jargon. You need to know the lingo if you’re involved…

12 Tips for  Personal Debt Relief You Need to Learn
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12 Tips for Personal Debt Relief You Need to Learn

Let’s talk tips for debt relief and find the resources to help you reduce your debt. Let’s begin! If you’re like most people, you probably made some financial related resolutions for the new year. Unfortunately, if you’re like most people you’ve also already completely forgotten or given up on them. Don’t worry, though. You don’t…

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How I Lost A Chunk Of Our Monthly Income (and How I am Dealing With It)

When you least expect it, life can throw us a curve ball; or maybe 3 or 4! I get how unpredictable life is, and as much as we like to think we are prepared, we really aren’t. We don’t have control of our future, and we don’t have control over losing your part-time job of…