What is The Best Thing To Clean Quartz Countertops With?

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Hey there, have you ever wondered, “What is the best thing to clean quartz countertops with?” Don't worry, you're not alone! We've all had that moment in our kitchen or bathroom where we look at our beautiful quartz countertop only to see it's lost some of its shine. Frustrating, right? But don't fret, because I've got some good news for you.

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I've been in your shoes, and I know how important it is to keep those countertops looking as pristine as the day they were installed. That's why I've put together this handy list to guide you through the best ways to clean quartz countertops.

So, get ready to roll up your sleeves, grab your cleaning supplies, and let's bring back the sparkle to your quartz countertops together!

an image of a countertop

What are Quartz Countertops?

Quartz countertops are a popular choice for kitchen and bathroom surfaces due to their durability and beauty. Made from natural quartz crystals, they are engineered to be one of the hardest, most scratch-resistant materials available.

Quartz countertops are composed of approximately 90% quartz and 10% other materials, such as polymers and pigments, resulting in a non-porous surface that is resistant to stains and bacteria growth. The manufacturing process allows for a wide range of colors and patterns, making quartz countertops highly customizable to fit any design style.

With their low maintenance requirements and ability to withstand heat, quartz countertops have become preferred for homeowners looking for a reliable and aesthetically pleasing countertop material.

Introduction to quartz countertops

Quartz countertops have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their unique combination of durability and aesthetic appeal. These countertops are made from natural quartz crystals, which are then engineered to create a strong and resilient surface. One of the main advantages of quartz countertops is their non-porous nature, making them highly resistant to stains, bacteria growth, and moisture damage.

Moreover, quartz countertops come in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing homeowners to customize their kitchen or bathroom according to their personal style preferences.

With its low maintenance requirements and ability to withstand heat and everyday wear and tear, quartz countertops have become the go-to choice for many homeowners seeking both functionality and beauty in their living spaces.

Advantages of using quartz countertops

Quartz countertops offer a variety of advantages that make them a popular choice among homeowners.

Firstly, their durability is unmatched. Quartz countertops are made from engineered quartz crystals, which makes them incredibly strong and resistant to cracks and chips. This ensures that they will last for many years to come.

Also, quartz countertops are non-porous, meaning they are highly resistant to stains, bacteria growth, and moisture damage. This makes them easy to clean and maintain, as spills can be easily wiped away without leaving any residue behind.

Furthermore, quartz countertops come in a wide range of colors and patterns, allowing homeowners to customize their kitchen or bathroom according to their personal style preferences.

Overall, the combination of durability, low maintenance requirements, and aesthetic appeal make quartz countertops an excellent choice for any home.

a hand of a woman cleaning a countertop

Different Types of Quartz Countertop Cleaners

Various types of cleaners are available on the market for quartz countertops. One option is to choose a quartz countertop cleaner specifically designed for this type of surface. These cleaners are formulated to effectively remove stains, grease, and dirt without causing any damage or discoloration to the quartz.

Another option is using natural cleaning solutions from household items such as vinegar, lemon juice, or baking soda. These homemade cleaners can effectively remove stubborn stains and disinfect the countertops. It's important to note that when using commercial or natural cleaners, it's essential to follow the instructions carefully and avoid using abrasive materials that can scratch the surface of your beautiful quartz countertops.

Quartz countertop cleaner options in the market

When it comes to cleaning quartz countertops, there are a variety of cleaners available on the market. These specially formulated quartz countertop cleaners are designed to effectively remove stains, grease, and dirt without causing any damage or discoloration to the quartz surface.

They are specifically made to be gentle on quartz and provide thorough cleaning. Popular brands like Stonetech Quartz & Tile Cleaner, Weiman Quartz Cleaner and Polish, and Granite Gold Quartz Brite are highly recommended by experts for their effectiveness in maintaining the beauty of quartz countertops.

These cleaners are easy to use and leave behind a streak-free shine. To achieve optimal results, it is important to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer when using these commercial cleaners. 

Comparison of natural and commercial cleaners

There are two primary options available: natural cleaners and commercial cleaners. Natural cleaners usually consist of household items such as vinegar, lemon juice, or baking soda. These ingredients are chemical-free and eco-friendly, making them a popular choice for those who prefer a more sustainable approach to cleaning.

On the other hand, commercial cleaners are specially formulated products that are specifically designed to clean and protect quartz surfaces. They often contain gentle, non-abrasive ingredients that effectively remove stains and dirt without causing any damage to the countertop.

While natural cleaners can be effective for regular cleaning, commercial cleaners may be more suitable for tough stains or deep cleaning needs. It ultimately depends on personal preference and the specific cleaning requirements of your quartz countertops. 

an image of a marble looking quartz countertop

Natural Cleaning Solutions for Quartz Countertops

Natural cleaning solutions can be a great option as these solutions are not only effective at removing dirt and stains but also safe for the environment and your health. One of the most common natural cleaning solutions for quartz countertops is a mixture of warm water and dish soap.

This gentle yet powerful combination can easily remove grease and residues without causing any damage to the surface. Also, you can use vinegar or lemon juice as a natural disinfectant. Simply mix these ingredients with water in a spray bottle and apply it to the countertop before wiping it clean.

Baking soda is another versatile ingredient that can help remove tough stains on quartz countertops. Just create a paste by mixing baking soda with water and gently scrub the stained area. Remember to rinse thoroughly after cleaning to ensure there are no residue left behind.

By utilizing these natural cleaning solutions, you can keep your quartz countertops clean, shiny, and free from harsh chemical exposure. 

DIY quartz countertop cleaners using household items

One of the easiest and most budget-friendly ways to clean quartz countertops is using household items you likely already have at home. You can create effective DIY cleaners with just a few simple ingredients that will leave your countertops sparkling.

A mixture of warm water and dish soap is a great place to start, as it can easily remove dirt and stains without causing any damage. Baking soda mixed with water to form a paste can work wonders for tougher stains.

Also, vinegar or lemon juice diluted with water can act as a natural disinfectant. These DIY cleaners are not only effective but also safe for both you and the environment. 

Benefits of using natural cleaning solutions

Using natural cleaning solutions for quartz countertops offers several benefits. Firstly, they are safe and non-toxic, making them a healthier choice for your home environment. Unlike harsh chemical cleaners, natural solutions do not emit harmful fumes or leave behind residue that could potentially contaminate your food preparation surfaces.

Secondly, natural cleaners are gentle on the quartz surface, preventing any damage or scratches that may occur with abrasive substances. They effectively remove dirt, stains, and bacteria without compromising the integrity of the countertop.

Furthermore, using household items like warm water, dish soap, vinegar, or lemon juice as natural cleaners is not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly. By opting for natural cleaning solutions, you can maintain a clean and gleaming quartz countertop while prioritizing the health of your family and the planet. 

countertop and two pendant lights above island

Commercial Cleaning Products for Quartz Countertops

There are several commercial cleaning products available that are specifically designed for this purpose. These products offer a convenient and effective solution for removing tough stains and grime from your quartz surface.

One popular option is a non-abrasive liquid cleaner, such as Granite Gold Quartz Brite. This cleaner is specially formulated to gently clean and polish quartz countertops without causing any damage or dulling the surface. Another reliable choice is the Weiman Quartz Cleaner and Polish, which effectively removes fingerprints, smudges, and watermarks, leaving your countertops looking shiny and pristine.

Before using any commercial cleaner, it is important to read and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. It is also recommended to test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of your countertop first to ensure compatibility and avoid any potential damage.

Remember, while commercial cleaning products can be effective for deep cleaning purposes, regular maintenance with natural cleaners like warm water and dish soap is usually sufficient for day-to-day cleaning of your quartz countertops.

Top commercial cleaning products specifically designed for quartz countertops

Several commercial cleaning products are specifically designed for quartz countertops, ensuring effective and safe cleaning. One popular option is Granite Gold Quartz Brite, a non-abrasive liquid cleaner. It is specially formulated to gently clean and polish quartz surfaces without causing any damage.

Another reliable choice is Weiman Quartz Cleaner and Polish, which effectively removes fingerprints, smudges, and watermarks while leaving countertops looking shiny and pristine.

Professionals highly recommend both of these cleaners for their ability to tackle tough stains and grime on quartz surfaces. Remember to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and test the cleaner on a small area before using it to clean your entire countertop. 

Usage instructions and recommendations

To effectively clean quartz countertops, it is important to follow the usage instructions and recommendations provided by the manufacturer. Start by mixing a small amount of gentle liquid cleaner with warm water. Apply the solution to the countertop using a soft sponge or cloth. Gently scrub the surface in circular motions to remove any stains or dirt.

Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrub brushes, as they can cause scratches. After cleaning, rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry with a soft cloth. It is also recommended to use trivets or cutting boards to protect the surface from heat and potential damage.

Regular maintenance and avoiding harsh chemicals will help preserve the beauty and durability of your quartz countertops.

A modern kitchen with white cabinets and countertop

Proper Cleaning Techniques for Quartz Countertops

To ensure that your quartz countertops remain clean and in pristine condition, it's important to follow proper cleaning techniques. Start by wiping the surface with a soft cloth or sponge dipped in warm water.

You can use a mild liquid cleaner specifically designed for quartz countertops for tougher stains or residue. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrub brushes, as they can cause scratches. Instead, opt for non-abrasive cleaning tools and gentle circular motions when scrubbing.

After cleaning, rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any cleaner residue. Lastly, dry the countertop using a soft cloth to prevent water spots.

By following these proper cleaning techniques, you can maintain the beauty and longevity of your quartz countertops.

Step-by-step guide on cleaning quartz countertops

Follow this step-by-step guide to effectively clean quartz countertops and maintain their pristine appearance.

  1. Start by wiping the surface with a soft cloth or sponge dipped in warm water. This will remove any loose debris or dirt.
  2. For tougher stains or residue, use a mild liquid cleaner specifically designed for quartz countertops. Apply a small amount of the cleaner to the surface and gently scrub in circular motions using a non-abrasive cleaning tool.
  3. After cleaning, rinse the countertop thoroughly with clean water to remove any remaining cleaner residue.
  4. Dry the countertop using a soft cloth or towel to prevent water spots.
  5. For everyday maintenance, use dish soap and warm water to wipe down the countertop daily and avoid any build-up of dirt or grime.

By following these simple steps regularly, you can keep your quartz countertops looking sleek and sparkling for years to come.

Tips to prevent staining and damage

To keep your quartz countertops looking pristine and prevent staining and damage, follow these helpful tips:

  1. Wipe up spills immediately: Quartz is stain-resistant, but it's still important to clean up spills as soon as possible to avoid any potential absorption. Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently blot the spill.
  2. Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasives: While quartz is durable, harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners can cause damage and discoloration. Stick to mild, non-abrasive cleansers specifically designed for quartz countertops.
  3. Use cutting boards and trivets: Protect the surface of your quartz countertops by using cutting boards when preparing food and using trivets or hot pads when placing hot cookware on the countertop.
  4. Don't chop directly on the surface: Quartz countertops are scratch-resistant, but it's still best to use a cutting board to prevent any potential scratches from sharp objects.
  5. Avoid dragging heavy objects: Quartz can withstand everyday use, but dragging heavy objects across the surface can lead to scratches or cracks. Lift heavy items instead of sliding them.

By following these simple tips, you can maintain the beauty and longevity of your quartz countertops for years to come.

stylish white Countertop in Kitchen.


Keeping your quartz countertops clean and well-maintained is essential for their longevity and beauty. By following the proper cleaning techniques and using the right products, you can easily maintain the pristine condition of your countertops.

For daily cleaning, warm water and a dishcloth or soft sponge are all you need to wipe away any spills or dirt. If necessary, gentle liquid cleaners such as Mr. Clean, Simple Green, or dishwashing detergent can be used for tougher stains.

It's important to avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners as they can cause damage to the surface of your quartz countertops. Using cutting boards, trivets, and avoiding chopping directly on the surface will also prevent scratches and minimize the risk of any staining or damage.

With regular care and attention, your quartz countertops will continue to shine and provide you with a beautiful and durable surface for years to come.

Summary of the best cleaning methods for quartz countertops

When it comes to cleaning quartz countertops, there are a few key methods that are highly effective. Firstly, for daily maintenance, warm water and a dishcloth or soft sponge will do the trick. Simply wipe away any spills or dirt and your countertop will stay pristine.

If you need a little extra help with tougher stains or grease, gentle liquid cleaners such as Mr. Clean, Simple Green, or dishwashing detergent can be used. These cleaners will not damage the surface of your quartz countertops.

For quick and easy cleaning, dish soap, warm water, and a microfiber cloth are all you need. This combination will remove any residue and leave your countertops looking beautiful.

Remember to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners as these can cause damage to the surface. And always use cutting boards and trivets to prevent scratches.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your quartz countertops remain clean and vibrant for years to come. 

Final thoughts on maintaining the beauty and durability of quartz countertops

To maintain the beauty and durability of quartz countertops, it is important to follow proper cleaning techniques and regularly perform maintenance. Daily wiping with warm water and a soft cloth or sponge will keep the countertops looking pristine. For tougher stains, gentle liquid cleaners like Mr. Clean or Simple Green can be used.

It is also crucial to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners as they can damage the surface of quartz countertops. Using cutting boards and trivets can prevent scratches from occurring.

Regularly sealing the countertops can help protect them from stains and ensure their longevity. Also, avoiding placing hot pots or pans directly on the surface can prevent heat damage.

By following these simple tips and taking care of your quartz countertops, you can enjoy their beauty and durability for years to come.

a hand cleaning a countertop with text: "What is The Best Thing To Clean Quartz Countertops With"

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