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How Long to Cook Meat in a Pressure Cooker

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Not sure how long to cook meat in a pressure cooker? We got you covered. There's something almost poetic about the hiss and sizzle of a pressure cooker. For those who are pressed for time but refuse to compromise on flavor, these kitchen workhorses offer a thrilling compromise.

Particularly when it comes to cooking meat, the pressure cooker can transform tough cuts into succulent dishes in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional methods.

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But the art of pressure cooking isn't just about slamming the lid and punching in numbers, especially when the star of the show is a slab of tough meat. So, how long to cook meat in a pressure cooker? Let’s find out!

An image of a woman holding the lid of a pressure cooker.

In this detailed guide, we're marinating the subject from all angles, looking not just at numbers but at the very essence of timing, taste, and potential pitfalls. Whether you're a newbie to the pressure cooking game or a seasoned pro, this is your ultimate reference for creating mouthwatering meats with just the right amount of pressure.

How Long to Cook Meat in a Pressure Cooker

The cooking time for meat in a pressure cooker can vary depending on the type and size of the meat. The recommended time for stew meat cut into 1-inch cubes is 15 to 20 minutes. Ground beef generally takes around 5 minutes. If you're cooking large chunks of meat, it's advised to set the pressure cooker for 20 minutes per pound of meat.

Smaller chunks require slightly less time, about 15 minutes per pound of meat. For meat that you want to be particularly tender, such as in a pot roast, you might cook at full pressure for up to 30 minutes. However, these times can also depend on personal preference and the specific pressure cooker being used.

Unveiling the Time-Essentials of Pressure Cooking Meat

When it's meat on the agenda, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the burning question: How long do you actually cook it for? It's a tantalizing puzzle influenced by a multitude of variables. 

Type of Pressure CookerTypes of MeatCooking TimeAdditional Information
Stovetop Pressure CookerBeef, Pork, Chicken, Lamb20-30 minutes for beef, 15-20 minutes for pork, 10-15 minutes for chicken, 20-25 minutes for lambEnsure to use enough liquid and follow the manufacturer's guidelines for stovetop pressure cooking.
Electric Pressure CookerBeef, Pork, Chicken, Lamb, Turkey20-30 minutes for beef, 15-20 minutes for pork, 10-15 minutes for chicken, 20-25 minutes for lamb, 25-30 minutes for turkeyCheck the recommended pressure release method based on the specific meat being cooked.
Multi-cooker with Pressure Cook FunctionBeef, Pork, Chicken, Lamb20-30 minutes for beef, 15-20 minutes for pork, 10-15 minutes for chicken, 20-25 minutes for lambExperiment with different spice combinations to enhance the flavor of the cooked meats.

This table provides an overview of various types of pressure cookers, the types of meat that can be cooked in them, the cooking times for each type of meat, and additional important information for successful pressure cooking. 

Factors to Consider

Type of Meat Whether it's the rugged resilience of beef, the delicate nature of poultry, or the juicy pork, each type brings its own personality to the dinner table. And with that comes different recommended cooking times.

Cut and Thickness of Meat A slim steak won't put up the same fight as a hefty roast. It’s the thickness that matters as it will influence how long it needs to be under pressure to yield tender, melt-in-your-mouth results.

Pressure Cooker Type and Settings Not all pressure cookers are created equal. Electric, stovetop, or modern multi-cookers; each have unique quirks that can affect cooking times.

An image of meat, carrots, and onions in a pressure cooker.

General Guidelines

Time guides for pressure-cooking meat are a treasure map. They are invaluable, leading you through a safe passage to the golden moment where tough flesh surrenders to tenderness.


When it comes to beef, tougher cuts are where the pressure cooker truly shines. A brisket might dance under pressure for 60-65 minutes for every pound, while a chuck roast might tenderize in just 15-20 minutes per pound at high pressure.


Poultry tends to be more forgiving in a pressure cooker. For chicken breasts, you can count on around 10-12 minutes at high pressure, with drumsticks requiring a bit more time at 12-15 minutes.


Pork loin chops or steaks need roughly 5-7 minutes per inch at high pressure, whereas a pork shoulder—also known as the Boston butt—might luxury in 15-20 minutes per pound to come out just right.

Lamb: Patience with Perseverance

Lamb leg or shoulder might need similar times to beef and pork—around 15-20 minutes per pound for a pressure cooker to civilize the meat.

Tenderizing Techniques and Tricks Up Your Sleeve

Pressure cooking is more than a means to an end; it's a craft. Tenderizing meat before it even meets the steam can set the stage for an even more remarkable dish.

Prepping Your Proteins

Marinate tougher meats in acidic liquids or tenderizer powders overnight to soften them. For thinner cuts, simple scoring or piercing can make a world of difference.

A Liquid Layer of Flavor

A pressure cooker is only as good as the liquids you put inside it. Ensure you have enough moisture to create steam, usually a cup or two.

Natural Release or Fast Farewell?

The end of the pressure cooking cycle is a crucial moment. A natural release can be gentler on meats, while a quick release can be a rapid pathway to cooking finesse.

A pinterest image of a pressure cooker in the background with the text - How Long to Cook Meat in a Pressure Cooker. The site's link is also included in the image.

Nailing down how long to cook meat in a pressure cooker is as much a science as it is an art. Follow the clock, stay true to the cut, and always prioritize safety. Harnessing the potential of this silent chef can be a delicious adventure, offering busy home cooks a chance to serve up hearty meals with impressive ease. 

Remember, cooking meat is not just about timing, it’s an intimate understanding of heat, texture, and the larger quest for that ultimate umami. Your pressure cooker is the pen; it's time to write your meaty masterpiece. Unchain the potential of your pressure cooking and savor the peace that comes with a meal that's truly a pressure off the shoulder.

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