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The Make Believe World of Having Money

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We live in a society where we are constantly trying to prove something to someone. We are constantly going on about who is better and who is right. This goes with having money and power. We have this make-believe world that having money is and what the reality it.

Who's more American and who is not. Instead of appreciating and learning from our differences, we tend to go against it because we don't like others telling us what to do. We don't care what others think of us.

We live in a country where we are constantly trying to outdo each other. We bash others for what they don't have. We go after each other for wanting what others want. In our minds, we have a make-believe picture of what is it like to have money. We have a make-believe world of having money that simply doesn't make sense at times.

Seems like everywhere you go, you are told what you need to buy, how to eat, and how to live. Every day we depend on others instead of ourselves. We lack responsibilities for many things, and if you don't believe it, look around you. We want bigger houses, bigger homes, and if someone wants something different you question it.

In our make-believe world of having money, we picture the latest electronics, the latest styles, and bigger houses. We see ourselves traveling our world in private jets and simply “living life” to the max. All this possible, thanks to money.

We worship money, we want it so bad that our thought process sometimes gets filled with how exactly it will feel to have money; also what people do when they have money. We dream and imagine what money would do for us, instead of thinking about how you would control your money.

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We always dream of what it would be like to have money. We create our own make believe world of having money that simply isn't realistic or true.In my make believe world of having money, tons of money, I dreamed of changing my appearance. Getting good stuff and showing it off. That was my dream of what having money was all about, and when I started to get money, I started to believe in that make believe world. I started to live it. I started to spend.

I let that make believe world of having money cloud my reality and my vision; I let money control my life. I spent money and lived above my means because everyone that had money, look good. To look good, they had to spend it and that's exactly what I did.

That make believe world of having money didn't leave me out of the group. I felt so ‘in'! I loved having money and I loved spending money. What I didn't anticipate was how hard it was to keep this make believe world of having money up.

Keeping up with this make believe world of having money was seriously kicking my ass!

The reality of my make believe world of having money was that it was stressful. Very stressful. I worried about money and the bills that followed. My overspending was causing me stress; I felt like I was drowning.

In this make believe world of having money, this girl was broke. Constantly broke! I was living paycheck to paycheck to maintain this make believe world of mine!

Did I mention I was busting my behind to keep up with this make believe world of having money? I was tired of trying to keep this make believe going.

I was alone in my make believe world of having money; so alone. I felt like to keep up with others, I had to be someone I wasn't. I spent money to be like them. I wanted to be like them and I hated it. I didn't want to be like anyone. I always claimed to be me! I didn't care who liked me because I didn't live my life for others. But I did.

People surely used me in this make believe world of having money. I pretended I had money, so I bought things for others. I hosted parties. I bought food. Once my make believe world of having money crashed, so did my “friends”. Who wanted to hang with someone who didn't have any money? People like this didn't fit into their own make believe world of having money!

What sunk my make believe of having money was that the happily ever after never came. My make believe world of having money didn't have the happiness I thought I was going to have when I had money. My world didn't have the stress/worry free I thought having money was going to bring me. In my make believe world, I wasn't happy. It never brought me happiness.

What my make believe world of having money brought me was the reality that my money played me and clogged my mind. That money controlled my life and I cared too much what others did. I was consumed into a world that just simply wasn't real. My make believe world of having money only got me into a financial debt.

If you have dreams and expectation as to what having money is and what having money will do, make it realistic and never ever let money control you. Set your own grounds and your own rules, not what society sets out for you. Make sure your world brings you true happiness.







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  2. We do this in the grocery store a lot. “Someday when we’re rich we’ll by Oreos.” It’s hard to be disciplined all the time. Thanks for posting. Hello from Thrifty Thursday.

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